It's definitely that time of the year when all the local markets have fresh juicy pineapples on display. Walking by you catch the delicious aroma wafting through the produce section. It's no secret that this tropical delight is by far one of our favorites. Speared, sliced, chilled, and even grilled..we just love it!
There are some speculations out there that pineapple aids in fertility. Some say it increases the uterus lining to assist in implantation. There is also some conflicting information with regards to the bromelain found in the core of the pineapple. Some accounts say it's beneficial and some say it can be harmful. So in the interest of being more safe than sorry, I think we will avoid the core.
Typically I am one to squash a good ole wives tale or silly theory. Do I really think this fabulous fruit will preform miracles? No.
But hey, what's the harm in trying right? Two whole pineapples later, I am up for some golden delicious snacking at the cost of it "might" be helpful.
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