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Sunday, April 25, 2010


It's definitely that time of the year when all the local markets have fresh juicy pineapples on display. Walking by you catch the delicious aroma wafting through the produce section. It's no secret that this tropical delight is by far one of our favorites. Speared, sliced, chilled, and even grilled..we just love it!

There are some speculations out there that pineapple aids in fertility. Some say it increases the uterus lining to assist in implantation. There is also some conflicting information with regards to the bromelain found in the core of the pineapple. Some accounts say it's beneficial and some say it can be harmful. So in the interest of being more safe than sorry, I think we will avoid the core.

Typically I am one to squash a good ole wives tale or silly theory. Do I really think this fabulous fruit will preform miracles? No.

But hey, what's the harm in trying right? Two whole pineapples later, I am up for some golden delicious snacking at the cost of it "might" be helpful.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy Half Birthday!

Today McQueen is 6 months old! How exciting that we are embarking on another journey. One that will make this sweet little man a big brother.

Happy 6 month Birthday McQueen!

Here we go..

CD = Cycle Day

CD1 commenced Saturday, April 3rd, while Bear and I were enjoying a lovely weekend getaway in Malibu and a Southern Cali Easter visit with family. We were all very excited to begin this cycle. As soon as we returned from the long weekend I blew the dust off the good ole fertility monitor and set my cycle day accordingly.

Over a week passed and I began testing for my ovulation daily. A few weeks later and we have come to CD16 on Sunday, April 18th. The night before I was having some strong LH lines on my ovulation sticks.

So when I woke up this morning, I was expecting this..

That little eggy symbol popped up on my fertility monitor signaling it was time! So I called the OB after hours line and scheduled an IUI appointment for the afternoon.

The procedure went well. After I was inseminated, the Dr lowered me in to a position so that my pelvis was tilted. This is to encourage the sperm to swim up to the fallopian tubes to meet the egg once it has released.

The next day (CD17) I got a mega LH surge on my ovulation sticks.

The fertility monitor also showed another eggy (but I think this is standard for the machine). So, I went in to the office for a second insemination. Same routine as last time, except the OB mentioned that the sperm may have been slightly compromised. In her words, it doesn't mean I won't get pregnant..the chances are just less than expected.

It isn't what we all wanted to hear but it's not a complete devastation. I know my body and if there is any chance of it happening, my "egg"scellent fertility should hopefully kick in.

No matter what the outcome, we are very optimistic. This will happen. If not this month then certainly next!

The Next Chapter

McQueen will always be a significant part of my life. I
don't know what our futures will hold and I can only be certain of a few
things. I will always love him and I do not hold a single doubt that his
Fathers and family love him just as much!

Telling my story of his birth has allowed me the opportunity to
complete a beautiful chapter with in the book of my life.
Like any book, when one chapter ends, another begins. And this
beautifully written chapter will never be forgotten. The pages will
always resonate in my thoughts but most importantly my heart.

So without any further feet dragging on my part..let's get this show
on the road people!