Happy 34 weeks today. Not much has happened (other than a lot of growing) since the last time I posted an update. I have another appointment tomorrow, we are going every 2 weeks at this stage in the game.
This is a diagram I got from babycenter. It's pretty accurate to my current size and gives you an idea of how crunched we are for space right now. I know it's not the same as a real picture and for that i will make a promise to post one soon.
So far I have gained about 14lbs. The holidays have surely helped me pack on a few extra in the last weeks with all the baked goodies and treats. Buzz is in the 65th percentile and we are still measuring ahead. It's really starting to hit me now.. this is it! In just a few short weeks we will be back in Hollywood. Back to the place where McQueen was born.
Almost a month ago we were oo-ing and ah-ing over this little guy on ultrasound. Anticipating Christmas after just celebrating Thanksgiving. Now we are at the end of December making our New Years plans, looking forward to all the blessings 2011 will bring.
I'm still getting over an awful cold I had. Poor Buzz had to endure my constant hacking, coughing, tossing, and turning all night. we were miserable but we were determined to make the holiday special.
I have no doubt this little one will be just as adorable as his bigger brother is. How can you look at these pictures and not think so?
He also seems to be somewhat of a gymnast Which I have been saying all along with how much he moves inside my belly, using my ribs to push his feet and tush off of. I could go on about all the various contortions this child does and Bear could attest to all the beatings (we call it baby shiatsu) her back, sides, and hands get regularly.. but these pictures speak more for themselves!
This picture and the one below are my most favorite of all. Buzz was being a little stinker (just like his brother was) during our 3d/4d ultrasound. he decided he didn't want to show much of his face that was snuggled in so nicely. so, Daddy, Stormi and my friend J (who preformed our ultrasound) were all trying to move him around. They poked, gently shook, tapped and talked to him. Nothing was coaxing him out of his cozy spot.
Then when Daddy got close to my belly and started talking to him and saying his name.. this is the face he gave back.
Who says babies can't smile? There is no way it's gas since there is no air in there.. thus, we have disproved the age old myth these doctors have been telling for far too long.
Babies can smile.. and when they hear one of their Daddy's voices, they do!
This of course makes my heart smile too.
happy happy well-loved baby. so cute!!!! babies are wiser than we know, smarter than we ever imagined, and more special that words can explain